Apr 26, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x2 (45")R:2min **
Loaded box jumps 2x4 (40") (DB 5kg) R:2min
Drop jumps 3x10 (40") R:2min**
Depth jumps 5x6 (29") R:2min**
Distance bounds 3x3(trips) R:1min (15yards)

Max strength
Back squat (140kg) 3x1 R:3min new PR
Heavy supports 4x6s (130%RM 182kg) R:1min
Elevated lunges(1plate) 4x6 (4 right, 2 left) (32kg) R:1min
Good morning 3x8 R:1min
Barbell calf raises 3x10 (140kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x8(5plates and half) R:2min**
Depth push ups 5x6 (3plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (6plates) 3x3 R:2min
Whole body jump push up 3x6 R:2min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 30kg (5kg drops) (2-2-2-2-2-2 plus max body weight) R:2min
Speed bench press (65%1RM 63kg) 6x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press 2x8 (right) 4x8(left) (neutral grip) (28kg) 3x8 R:1min
J pulls down 4x8 (55kg) R:1min
1 hand DB row 3x8 (20kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x2 (45")R:2min **
Loaded box jumps 2x4 (40") (DB 5kg) R:2min
Drop jumps 3x10 (40") R:2min**
Depth jumps 5x6 (29") R:2min**
Distance bounds 3x3(trips) R:1min (15yards)

Speed work
Speed squat (65%1RM: 91kg) 6x3 R:2min
Jump squat with 2s pause at parallel level (30%1RM:42kg) 6x2 R:2min
Speed deadlift (65%1RM:120.25kg) 5x2 R:2min
Step ups 4x8(right) 2x8(left) (28kg) R:1min
Good morning (60kg) R:2min
Barbell calf raises 3x12 (140kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x8(5plates and half) R:2min**
Depth push ups 5x6 (3plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (6plates) 3x3 R:2min
Whole body jump push up 3x6 R:2min

Max effort work
Pull ups 3x1 (35kg ) R:2min
Bench press 2x2 (100kg)
(2x1, 1x1,1x1)
DB floor presses 4x6 (36kg) R:1min
Swiss ball DB bench presses 4x6 (30kg) R:1min
J pulls down 4x8 (55kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 3x6 (28kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Talking mental training....hold that for 1 hour...

Apr 16, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x3 (43.7")R:2min **
Drop jumps 3x10 (36") R:2min**
Depth jumps 4x10 (25") R:2min**
Side bench jumps 2x8 (higher bench) R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (135kg) 2x2 R:3min new PR
Heavy supports 4x6s (120%RM 168kg) R:1min
Elevated lunges(1plate) 4x6 (4 right, 2 left) (28kg) R:1min
isometrics 3x6s R:1min
Barbell calf raises 3x10 (120kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x10(5plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 4x8 (2plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (5plates) 3x3 R:2min
Elevated leg side jump push up 3x6(side to side) R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 30kg (5kg drops) (2-2-2-2-2-2 plus max body weight) R:2min
Speed bench press (60%1RM 63kg) 6x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press 2x6 (right) 4x6(left) (neutral grip) (28kg) 3x8 R:1min
J pulls down 4x8 (45kg) R:1min
1 hand DB row 3x8 (18kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x3 (43.7")R:2min **
Drop jumps 3x10 (36") R:2min**
Depth jumps 4x10 (25") R:2min**
Box squat broad jump(double jump) 3x6 R:2min**
1 leg 10yard jump 4x(3trips)

Speed work
Speed squat (60%1RM: 84kg) 6x3 R:2min
Jump squat with 2s pause at parallel level (25%1RM:35kg) 3x7 R:2min
Speed deadlift (60%1RM:111kg) 5x2 R:2min
Step ups 4x8(right) 2x8(left) (28kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x15(left ) 2x15(right) R:40s
Barbell calf raises 3x12 (130kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x10(5plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 4x8 (2plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (5plates) 3x3 R:2min
Elevated leg side jump push up 3x6(side to side) R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 5x2 (30kg ) R:2min (2-2-2-2-1)
Bench press 2x2 (100kg)
and 3x1 (90kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (34kg) R:1min
Swiss ball DB bench presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
J pulls down 4x8 (45kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 3x6 (28kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

1 arm weighted pullup.
Anonymous legend

Apr 15, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x3 (43.7")R:2min **
Drop jumps 3x8 (36") R:2min**
Depth jumps 4x8 (25") R:2min**
Side bench jumps (higher bench) R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (95%1RM: 133kg) 2x2 R:3min
Heavy supports 3x8s (200%RM 280kg) R:1min "not good,too much, should be changed next week"
Elevated lunges(1plate) 4x8 (4 right, 2 left) (25kg) R:1min
Natural glute ham raises 3x8 R:1min
Barbell calf raises 3x10 (100kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x8(5plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 4x8 (2plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (4plates) 3x4 R:2min
Elevated leg side jump push up 3x4(side to side) R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 30kg (5kg drops) (2-2-2-2-2-2 plus max body weight)
Speed bench press (55%1RM 57.75kg) 6x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (25kg) 3x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 4x6 (85kg) R:1min
1 hand DB row 3x8 (15kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x3 (43.7")R:2min **
Drop jumps 3x8 (36") R:2min**
Depth jumps 4x8 (25") R:2min**
Box squat broad jump(double jump) R:2min**
1 leg 10yard jump 3x(3trips)

Speed work
Speed squat (55%1RM: 77kg) 6x3 R:2min
Jump squat with 2s pause at parallel level (20%1RM:28kg) 3x8 R:2min
Speed deadlift (55%1RM:101.75kg plus chains) 5x2 R:2min
Step ups 4x6(right) 2x6(left) (28kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x12(left ) 2x12(right) R:40s
Barbell calf raises 3x12 (100kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Drop push ups 3x8(5plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 4x8 (2plates) R:2min**
Jump push up to plates (4plates) 3x4 R:2min
Elevated leg side jump push up 3x4(side to side) R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 5x2 (30kg ) R:2min (last set 1 and 1)
Bench press 2x2 (100kg) R:2min (1set-1, 2set-2, 3set-1)
DB floor presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 2x8 (28kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 4x6 (85kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 3x6 (28kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

If you never head about CTI.....
Jasper benicasa performing a feat called Close To Impossible
Holded for 3s.

Apr 14, 2009

Week4: Deloading week

Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x4 (42.5")R:2min **
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(6 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x6 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x40 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x10 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x6 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (95%1RM: 133kg) 2x(2,1) R:3min
Pistols (supported; 3kg,DB right; 4kg DB,left) 2x4(left) 2x 3(right) R:1min
Reverse lunges 2x12( right and left) and 1x12(right) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left) 2x8(right) R:1min
3 variants Calf raises 2x20(each position) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 2x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x10 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x10 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x8 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 20kg (5kg drops)
Speed bench press (65%1RM: 65kg plus chains) 3x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (22kg) 2x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 2x6 (80kg) R:1min
Sitting row 2x6 (100kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x4 (42")R:2min **
Box squat broad jump 2x5 R:2min
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(6 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x6 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x40 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x10 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x6 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (65%1RM: 91kg plus chains) 3x3 R:2min
Jump squat with pause (30%1RM:42kg) 2x6 R:2min
Speed deadlift (65%1RM:117kg plus chains) 3x2 R:2min
Step ups 2x6(right) 2x6(left) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left ) 2x8(right) R:40s
3 variants calf raises 2x20 R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 2x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x10 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x10 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x8 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 2x5 (25kg ) R:2min
Bench press 2x2 (95kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 2x8 (28kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 2x6 (85kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 2x6 (25kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Lou Karns 1 arm handstand

Apr 13, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x4 (42")R:2min **
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(5 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x4 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x20 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x8 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x4 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (95%1RM: 133kg) 3x2 R:3min
Pistols (supported; 3kg,DB right; 4kg DB,left) 3x3(left) 3x 4(right) R:1min
Reverse lunges 2x10( right and left) and 2x12(right) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left) 2x8(right) R:1min
3 variants Calf raises 3x20(each position) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 3x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x8 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x8 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x6 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 25kg (5kg drops)
Speed bench press (65%1RM: 65kg plus chains) 6x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (22kg) 4x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x6 (80kg) R:1min
Sitting row 3x6 (100kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x4 (42")R:2min **
Box squat broad jump 4x5 R:2min
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(5 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x4 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x30 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x8 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x4 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (65%1RM: 91kg plus chains) 6x3 R:2min
Jump squat with pause (30%1RM:42kg) 3x6 R:2min
Speed deadlift (65%1RM:117kg plus chains) 5x2 R:2min
Step ups 4x6(right) 2x6(left) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left ) 2x8(right) R:40s
3 variants calf raises 3x20 R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 3x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x8 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x8 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x6 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 3x5 (25kg ) R:2min
Bench press 3x2 (95kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x6 (85kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 3x6 (25kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Jhon Gill in the one arm front lever


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x5 (40")R:2min **
Double leg jump over low obstacle (front and back) 3x10 R:1min
Double leg side jumop over low obstacle (side to side) 3x10 R:1min
Single leg jump on step(each leg) 2x10 R:1min
Single leg jump over obstacle( side to side,each leg) 2x10 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (90%1RM: 126kg) 3x3 R:3min
Pistols (supported; 3kg,DB right; 4kg DB,left) 3x3 (3 right, 1 left) R:1min
Reverse lunges 2x12( right and left) and 2x15(right) (22kg) R:1min
1 leg bridge hip extention 1x20(left) 3x20 (right) R:1min
3 variants Calf raises 3x15(each position) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates) 3x5 R:2min **
Jump push up 3x10 R:2min
Side jump push up 3x6 R:1min
Close wide stance jump push up 3x6 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 25kg (5kg drops)
Speed bench press (60%1RM: 60kg plus chains) 6x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (20kg) 4x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x8 (70kg) R:1min
Sitting row 3x6 (100kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x5(40") R:2min **
Box broad jump 3x6 R:2min**
Double leg jump over low obstacle (front and back) 3x10 R:1min
Double leg side jumop over low obstacle (side to side) 3x10 R:1min
Single leg jump on step(each leg) 2x10 R:1min
Single leg jump over obstacle( side to side,each leg) 2x10 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (60%1RM: 84kg plus chains) 6x3 R:2min
Jump squat (25%1RM:35kg) 3x7 R:2min
Speed deadlift (60%1RM:108kg plus chains) 5x3 R:2min
Step ups 4x8(right) 2x8(left) (22kg) R:1min
1 leg bridge hip extension 1x20(left) 2x20(right) R:40s
3 variants calf raises 3x15 R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates) 3x5 R:2min **
Jump push up 3x10 R:2min
Side jump push up 3x6 R:1min
Close wide stance jump push up 3x6 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 3x4 (25kg ) R:2min
Bench press 3x3 (90kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (26kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 4x8 (26kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x8 (70kg) R:1min
Sitting row 3x6 (100kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

The legendary Sexy squat if you never heard about it!
while she doesn't squat below parallel no judge in
earth will give her a red light

Apr 12, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x6 R:2min **
Double leg jump over low obstacle (front and back) 3x8 R:1min
Double leg side jumop over low obstacle (side to side) 3x8 R:1min
Single leg jump on step(each leg) 2x8 R:1min
Single leg jump over obstacle( side to side,each leg) 2x8 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (85%1RM: 119kg) 3x4 R:3min
Pistols (supported; 3kg,DB right; 4kg DB,left) 3x3 (3 right, 1 left) R:1min
Reverse lunges 2x10( right and left) and 2x12(right) (22kg) R:1min
1 leg bridge hip extention 1x15(left) 3x15 (right) R:1min
3 variants Calf raises 3x10(each position) R:1min

**the box squat jump isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(3 plates) 3x6 R:2min **
Jump push up 3x8 R:2min
Side jump push up 3x4 R:1min
Close wide stance jump push up 3x4 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 25kg (5kg drops)
Speed bench press (55%1RM: 55kg plus chains) 6x4 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (18kg) 4x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x8 (65kg) R:1min
Sitting row 3x8 (95kg) R:40s

**the jump push up to plates isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 3x6 R:2min **
Box broad jump 3x6 R:2min**
Double leg jump over low obstacle (front and back) 3x8 R:1min
Double leg side jumop over low obstacle (side to side) 3x8 R:1min
Single leg jump on step(each leg) 2x8 R:1min
Single leg jump over obstacle( side to side,each leg) 2x8 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (50%1RM: 70kg plus chains) 6x4 R:2min
Jump squat (20%1RM:28kg) 3x8 R:2min
Speed deadlift (50%1RM:90kg plus chains) 5x3 R:2min
Step ups 4x10(right) 2x10(left) (2okg) R:1min
1 leg bridge hip extension 1x15(left) 3x15(right) R:40s
3 variants calf raises 3x10 R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(3 plates) 3x6 R:2min **
Jump push up 3x8 R:2min
Side jump push up 3x4 R:1min
Close wide stance jump push up 3x4 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 3x3 (25kg ) R:2min
Bench press 3x2 (90kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (22kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 4x8 (22kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 3x8 (65kg) R:1min
Sitting row 3x8 (95kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Discover your own needs

Maximum and dynamic effort Method

For the first time i'm following a max and dynamic and repetitive effort method for maintaining or increasing strength and most importantly to increase power,without increasing muscle mass and also to lose somebody fat during the way call it an"Athletic version", that i adapted by myself to suit my needs and to meet my goals.

This phase is more centered in the conversion of my maximum strength gains,in my latest cycle to power and explosiveness and the transmutation of the gains to my vertical jumping and my 40yard dash,all that as a goal to increase my CNS efficiency and general performance.

Now im already in the mid of the cycle and i'm feeling awesome!
I'll be posting all the 6 weeks of my training listing the exercices that i used.

Wenhua Cui, 230kg