Jun 16, 2009


Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x2 (45")R:2min **
Loaded box jumps 2x4 (43") (DB 7kg) R:2min
Drop jumps 5x5 (45") R:2min**
Depth jumps 5x6 (32") R:2min**
Step ups 3x8 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (150kg) 1x1 R:3min new PR
Heavy supports 4x6s (150%RM 210kg) R:1min
Lunges from plate 3x6 (30kg) R:1min
Sitting squat 3x8(165kg) R:1min
Single leg Calf raises 3x10 (each leg)(15kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Drop push ups 4x4(7plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 5x5 (3plates and half) R:2min**
Jump push up to bench 3x3 R:2min
Dynamic push up 3x10 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 30kg (5kg drops) R:2min
Speed bench press (60%1RM 68.25kg plus chains) 6x2 R:2min
Dips 3x(12-10-8) R:1min
J pulls down 4x6 (60kg) R:1min
1 hand DB row 3x8 (28kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x2 (45")R:2min **
Loaded box jumps 2x4 (43") (DB 7kg) R:2min
Drop jumps 5x5 (45") R:2min**
Depth jumps 5x6 (32") R:2min**
Step ups 3x8 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (65%1RM: 94.25kg plus chains) 6x2 R:2min
Dynamic jump squat (30%1RM:43.5kg) 4x10 R:2min
Speed deadlift (70%1RM:133kg) 4x2 R:2min
1leg DB dealdlift 2x8(15kg) R:1min
1leg calf raises 3x10(5kg)(12kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Drop push ups 4x4(7plates) R:2min**
Depth push ups 5x5 (3plates and half) R:2min**
Jump push up to bench 3x3 R:2min
Dynamic push up 3x10 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 3x1 (35kg ) R:2min
Bench press 1x1 (105kg)
New PR
DB floor presses 4x6 (36kg) R:1min
J pulls down 3x6 (60kg) R:1min
1hand DB row 3x8(22kg)

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Franco Columbo.....just picking up heavy stuff from the floor


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