Apr 14, 2009

Week4: Deloading week

Day1 :Max effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x4 (42.5")R:2min **
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(6 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x6 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x40 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x10 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x6 R:1min

Max strength
Back squat (95%1RM: 133kg) 2x(2,1) R:3min
Pistols (supported; 3kg,DB right; 4kg DB,left) 2x4(left) 2x 3(right) R:1min
Reverse lunges 2x12( right and left) and 1x12(right) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left) 2x8(right) R:1min
3 variants Calf raises 2x20(each position) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day3 :Dynamic and repetitive effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 2x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x10 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x10 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x8 R:1min

Speed work and rate of force devellopement
Pull ups (drop sets) 20kg (5kg drops)
Speed bench press (65%1RM: 65kg plus chains) 3x3 R:2min
1 hand dumbell bench press (neutral grip) (22kg) 2x8 R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 2x6 (80kg) R:1min
Sitting row 2x6 (100kg) R:40s

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day5 :Dynamic effort lower body

Box squat jump 2x4 (42")R:2min **
Box squat broad jump 2x5 R:2min
Consecutive jump over obstacle 3x(6 trips) R:min
Side jumps over bench 3x6 (side to side)R:1min
Ankle bounces 3x40 R:1min
Leaps with pause(side to side) 2x10 R:1min
1 leg hops 2x6 R:1min

Speed work
Speed squat (65%1RM: 91kg plus chains) 3x3 R:2min
Jump squat with pause (30%1RM:42kg) 2x6 R:2min
Speed deadlift (65%1RM:117kg plus chains) 3x2 R:2min
Step ups 2x6(right) 2x6(left) (25kg) R:1min
Elevated bench bridge 1x8(left ) 2x8(right) R:40s
3 variants calf raises 2x20 R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day6 :Max effort upper body

Jump push up to plates(4 plates and another small plate) 2x4 R:2min **
Clap push up 3x10 R:1min
Jump push ups leg elevated 2x10 R:1min
Jump push up with iso hold 3x8 R:1min

Max effort work
Pull ups 2x5 (25kg ) R:2min
Bench press 2x2 (95kg) R:2min
DB floor presses 4x8 (28kg) R:1min
DB bench presses 2x8 (28kg) R:1min
Reverse grip face pulls 2x6 (85kg) R:1min
Chest supported row 2x6 (25kg) R:1min

**isn't supersetted with the rest of exercices,the rest of plyos are supersetted with the rest of exercices making sure also to allow proper recovery.

Day 2 and Day 4 are used for active recovery including a running session between 15 to 20min.

Lou Karns 1 arm handstand


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