Beginners basic guide to start burning body fat

A while ago during the year,i got a lot of requests from friends and some other people in the gym and in my university,that i was discusing or training about what to eat or what not to eat to shed some "flubbies" from their bodies to improve their aesthetics.
Then i decided to write this column about some basics to begin with,when somebody is just starting to eat healthy and clean,after a long trip with their so called "junkie food plan".
Here i go then.
1.First of all you should decide wether to go into your journey of shedding body fat from your body,because if yourn´t,there is a high probabilty that you won't succeed to achieve your desired results,so you should set realistic goals and a plan how to achieve them,so start by buying a simple book and write into it your goals,also your plans for the future on how to achieve them and your training log.
2.Clean your way of eating step by step,i mean don't say that tomorrow im gonna switch up all out from junk food and anything procesed because this is a surefire that you won´t keep it for long,leading you to unmotivation in a shortest time,so clean your diet slowly and learn the positive habits of eating,for example if during one week normally you eat 5 times MCs,the next week eat it 3 times and replace the other 2 meals by healthy ones and keep on reducing each week(sounds like goals right!),also switch from procesed foods that contains procesed sugars and fats and drinks(like,sodas).
3.Eat as raw as posible,fruits vegetables,fish,meat...of course if they are ecologic products is better but just make sure to eat fresh things;switch from industrial food as much as you can.
4.Eat at leat normal square 5 meals a day,that's a staple and beleive it,because that will let you to control your bloog sugar(insuline) and also not to let you picking on food between the hours of meal,so start eating a meal each 3 hours,you will also benefit from the thermogenetic effect,that will lead you to burn body fat just by eating!
5.Make each meal containing green vegies and fresh fruits and a good source of lean meat to get your healthy fatty acids that your body need to function properly and to keep also your metabolism on fire to keep burning bodyfat also when sitting.
6.Start exercicing,if you were also doing any form of activity just keep on with it and remember that just nutrition alone won´t bring you any great results.
actually one the best known form to burn body fat is strength training done with some cardio,that's a great way to make tremendous changes in a matter of few weeks.
7.Drink enough water.
I don't know how many times you heard that before but anyway for your body to function properly needs water,water also will help you burn bodyfat and remember that water doesn't burn bodyfat,this is a myth!Actually one of things that water do is that it realises the fats from their "Fat Cells" aka "storage home" so if you don't do in form of physical activity there is a likelyhood that those fats will cameback to their home.
8.Consitency,yes consistency remember your like into a mission,so give it all what you have and never give up,this is the way of success,if you feel any downside or negative tought during your journey,go back to your goals and read them and remember why you decided before to go into this journey,everything has a reason for.
So here you have it,a basic guide to start with.
Remember here im not giving any diet,i myself don't beleive in something called diet,i beleive in a healthy lifestyle that you can follow for your whole life.
More to come about advanced strategies on how to burn bodyfat in a healthy way and secure way in future columns.
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